Tips of the day
Kitchen Cleaning Tips
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Cleaning up the kitchen is part of cooking. Not only is it easier to cook and bake in a clean kitchen, but clean surfaces and storage containers will keep your family healthier and safer. 

here are 5 best tips to get you motivated and make the whole task easier :

  • To clean the blender : After you pour your drink, take the pitcher straight to the sink. Put in a little water and a drop of dish soap, put it back on the blender, and turn it on for 20 seconds. Rinse it out and you’re done.
  • The quickest way to clean a microwave oven is to place a handful of wet paper towels inside and run it on High for 3-5 minutes. You don't need a science lesson to know that the steam from the towels will soften the grime. Once the paper towels cool down, use them to wipe the oven's interior.
  • Disinfect the Garbage Disposal :  Deep clean and deodorize a waste disposal unit by grinding ice cubes made with half vinegar, half water.
  • Cheese Grater Tip : Keep a clean pastry brush handy for removing every last remnant of grated food left behind in the tiny grates. It works like a charm on both sides of the grater.
  • Clean a Cast-Iron Pan : Use salt. If the pan will not rinse clean with water and a soft dishcloth, rub it with a few tablespoons of salt and a paper towel, and rinse. Then replenish the oil film by coating the inside surface with a dab of cooking oil.